
Join us for unforgettable live performance of Callibari, and experience the creative synergy of ink and rope as we explore the dynamics of power, beauty, and vulnerability in our live performances. We invite you to join us at our playground to witness this captivating interplay between Calligraphy and Shibari unfold before your eyes. Be sure to reserve your tickets early for our one-of-a-kind artistic events.

9 Jan. 2024 – ongoing  @ WIHH GALLERY – AMSTERDAM

Callibari  exhibits their art.

WIHH Gallery

29 Jun. – 31 Okt. 2024 @ RAINBOW CENTER – LUXEMBOURG

Callibari will exhibit their art.

Rainbow Center

“Fetish is the exploration of sex as art, and the refinement of one’s personal desires. Anything can be fetishised…There’ll be new fetishes forever. I feel that the 21st century is all about fetish..”

Rick Castro

Amazing experience

As a group of skilled performers and enthusiasts, we are passionate about the unique expression and creativity that Callibari offer in live settings. The Callibari show is a truly captivating experience: it has a gripping storyline, a talented cast, and stunning music. Each stage within the performance takes you on a thrilling journey that will keep and leave you on the edge of your seat. From the intricate plot twists to the explosive action sequences, this show has it all.

Callibari @ Wasteland: Le Grand Noir edition

At Wasteland’s fetish gala, shibari and calligraphy converged in a mesmerizing fusion, uniting intricate rope work with evocative strokes on a canvas of skin, embodying the celebration of unconventional beauty and creativity